Hitler the Second (Hitler reincarnated) to punish the parasites destroying this world
Hitler II soon. Hitler II (20??-2104) was an American politician who rose to power to establish a nationalist socialist state in America (NSSA), then soon became the first emperor of America. He made America great again, unlike jew puppets like trump, he eliminated these jews from America. He regained control of the Fed from the jews, and gave each citizen of America equal ownership of the American central bank, plus he took jew control of all american companies, also handed these companies equally to all citizens of America, privately and for life, each individual citizen, so there was not a single homeless person left, no more poverty, automation ensured lesser jobs, and everyone prospered, because each individual citizen owned all companies of America, possessing equal amount of shares, and if shares of the companies increased due to increased capital due to profits, they were once more equally distributed, to each and every citizen, privately, so everyone was eq...